Calvin Preston Foundation

Changing lives, One Child at a Time

The Calvin Preston Foundation was born from a simple thought back in 2013 while Calvin was receiving treatment. While in the hospital Calvin realized he was not the only child going through this trauma and said he wanted "to give toys to kids and help make them happier while they're sick". The beautiful thought Calvin had became a reality in December 2014 and although Calvin had already entered heaven, we know he spearheaded this from the beginning.

Our first event consisted of gathering toys for children in hospitals. Having been in a similar situation; we knew something as simple as toys would help bring much needed smiles.

Since then we continue to host in person and online fundraisers and campaigns, plus our annual toy drive for the holidays. The Calvin Preston has grown in such beautiful ways all thanks to our incredible community, our supporters and donors and Calvin’s Mom Mary, whose passion and love for her son, drive this powerful movement.

For every bit of your support, we are endlessly grateful; Thank You!


Mary, Calvin’s mom at our first toy drive in 2014